Athena's Ass For Mac

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  1. Athena's Ass For Machine
  2. Athena's Armor Set Search Mac
  3. Athena's Ass For Mac Download

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Athena's Ass For Machine

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If warnings are not heeded, further action by moderation team will be taken. Since I couldn't find any resources on using Athena's A.S.S on Mac OS I went ahead and made a wineskin wrapper for it. Thought it may benefit someone else out there so here's a download for that wrapper. (Athena's A.S.S. Is not made by me in any way, the original windows program can be found ) Hope this helps! EDIT: First off, thanks for all the nice remarks! I apologise for the late support, I honestly wasn't expecting such a large response.

While some of you have stepped up and answered most of the questions, I will go ahead and consolidate all the information required here. Important Information How do I add my already created charms/relics file?

Athena's Armor Set Search Mac

How do I access the Windows program?). Open Finder and navigate to the mac application. Right click the application and select 'Show Package Contents'.

Open the folder (symlink) called 'drivec', you should now see the Athena's folder. Open the Athena folder. To add your charms file navigate to Data and copy your charms file in, same with relics.

If you have saved armour sets, the Athena folder is the easiest location to store them in as the Athena program defaults to looking there for its armour files. How do I update Athena's A.S.S? As of right now this is a slightly more involved process, though I do intend to write a script automating most of this. Navigate to the Athena windows program folder (instructions in charms/relics section). Move out any armour files, charm files, etc.

That you wish to save (your personal data essentially). Replace the Athena's A.S.S folder with the desired version, as downloaded from the minegarde forum.

Move back anything you took out in step 2. Navigate back to the Package Contents folder (the folder you get when you chose 'Show Package Contents'). Open the Wineskin application contained within. Click 'Advanced'.

Where it says 'Windows EXE:' change the file path to correctly designate the new Athena exe, you can do this by hitting browse and navigating to the exe file, the browse dialogue defaults to drivec. With that you have successfully updated Athena's A.S.S. Why is this so much bigger than the Windows version??

The short version is that this application contains everything Windows uses to actually run Athena's A.S.S. Which is much more data than Athena's A.S.S.

The long(er) version is that I am getting Athena's A.S.S. To work by using a program called WINE which translates all of the Windows calls that a Windows program uses into the language Unix or Unix-like systems use, which includes Mac OS. In order for this to work wine needs to have all the pieces of Windows that let you run the program, which is quite a lot of stuff, thus the larger file size.

This is unfortunately the only way to get Athena's A.S.S. Working on anything that isn't Windows without porting the source code of A.S.S.

To something non-Windows computers can understand. Why does it take so long to start up? It takes a bit to start up because wine is initialising all the Windows stuff it needs (see above). Will it work on iOS/Android?

Probably not. Definitely not on iOS without jailbreaking it. How did you get this to work/how does it work? Answering how this entire application works is beyond the scope of this post, some of it is explained above but if you really want to know, google 'Windows Is Not an Emulator' (since googling 'wine' gets you the drink). As to how I made the app itself. I used a wrapper program called Wineskin, it essentially wraps everything wine needs into a Mac application bundle. The actual wine settings I used to get Athena's A.S.S.

To run are all in the Minegarde forum in the Linux instructions. I simply ignored any reference to WINEPREFIX and added WINEARCH=win32 to the Custom Commands section of wineskin. Everything else was more or less exactly as written in the forum. Thanks for all the support and if there are any updates I'll be putting them here. Downloading this now. I'll edit the post when its finished so I can confirm it works for me. EDIT: Works for me, just took a while to start up.

Thank you so much for this! All my attempts at porting it with wine failed for some reason. EDIT 2: To IMPORT your old mycharms.txt file Right click the application and select Show Package Contents. Then navigate to drivec/Athena's ASS MH4U 1.06b/Data and drop your old file into there and reboot the application. If you have any saved armour sets in the.ass format, just drop them in the Athena's folder (Same directory that contains the Data folder and exectuable.

I tried skinning Athena's ASS (Armor Set Search) which is a tool that helps search for certain armor sets for Monster Hunter. I was told by /u/redcalcium that it was possible, as he/she gave me the possible steps. 'Sure, I use wineskin winery.

Here is the steps: Run it and create a blank new wrapper. Locate the newly created wrapper in finder and right click and select 'show package contents'.


Inside, run the 'Wineskin' app and select 'advanced'. Navigate to 'tools' tab and run Wintricks (click the 'winetricks' button) to install dotnet20 and vcrun2008. Back to the 'tools' tab, run Winecfg and activate the newly installed library (see screenshot) Go back to 'configuration' and select the Athena A.S.S. That should do it. Let me know how it turns out.' Everything worked until that last configuration step. I searched Finder for the intended EXE and clicked 'choose.'

However, doing so prompted the same window all over again, asking me to choose again. I tried moving the file to different folders, didn't work. I tried the internet explorer exe that this comes with, and it worked.

Athena's Ass For Mac Download

I'd think this would be a problem with the program itself, but it worked with someone else, and the error happened with choosing the program, not loading it up. Has anyone else had similar occurrences?