I Have My Photoshop 7 For Mac

Posted on by admin

I've done a web search and found that many others have had the same problem. However, none of all the suggested solutions worked for me. I've recently converted to OS X.

I have my photoshop 7 for mac

Adobe Photoshop For Mac

Now I'm converting my applications one by one. Everything works fine, except Photoshop. It starts to launch, then a message appears 'The program Photoshop has unexpectedly quit.' Photoshop never even launches successfully. My system: - Mac G4/350, with plenty of RAM - OS 10.2.8 (yes, the good one) - Photoshop 7 (yes, updated to 7.0.1 and all the suggested patches applied) I tried - fix the privileges - reinstall after booting in safe mode - apply the suggested updates and patches to Photoshop - deleted the 'workflow' folder, the 'web' folder, all other application support folders - lauch with cmd-alt-shift (i.e.

I Have My Photoshop 7 For Mac Pro

Discard preferences file) - install with a different serial # Nothing helped, I'm still stuck to Photoshop 5.5 in classic mode. The console window shows: Adobe Photoshop 7.0449 CFLog (0): CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData: plist parse failed; the data is not proper UTF-8. The file name for this data could be: Contents/Info.plist What does this message mean? The file name 'Contents/Info.plist' isn't much help, because there are 385 such files on my disc! Does somebody have an idea?

Some time ago I posted a problem about my Photoshop 7 always crashing right upon launch. Finally, I found the solution. Not liking the antialiased menue font because it is extremely blurry and fatiguing, I set the anti alias threshold to 128 points. You can do this using the 'default' command in terminal.

I Have My Photoshop 7 For Mac

The resulting menu font was skinny, but still better than that blurry thing. Of course, you may disagree. It turned out that this was the problem!

Photoshop crashes on launch whenever the anti alias threshold is bigger than those ridiculos 12 points that the system preference panel offers. So I have to decide between Photoshop 7 and spoiling my eyes or Photoshop 5 in slow classic.

Photoshop For Mac Free

If you need to edit or manipulate a photo or other image, in all likelihood you've considered using Adobe Photoshop to do so. First released almost thirty years ago, this powerful editing is preferred by some of the world's top designers and can be utilized to create almost anything the imagination can conjure up. Many graphics-intensive movies and video games, as well as stunning works of art, have come to fruition with the help of Photoshop at some point along the way during the creative process. While not always as intuitive as Photoshop in terms of functionality and design, GIMP makes up for some of its perceived clumsiness with several for both beginning and advanced users that help you use the majority of its components with little or no pre-existing knowledge of the open source application. With that said, if you're only looking for the very basics in a raster-based graphics editor then GIMP may actually be a little too much and you may benefit from one of the simpler alternatives on our list.