Laptop Gps For Mac

Posted on by admin

Just stumbled across this and it looks very interesting. Anyone else try this? Manual is available here: I downloaded the Mac version (Land 7.7.0 Mac) and registered for the free trial. Software installed fine and I was able to open some.kmz maps that I made previously. Next and I tried connecting to my Garmin GLO and couldn't get that to work.

Some of this may be Mac-specific. The computer was able to pair with the GLO on COM7. A little Googling suggested that this is an issue on the Mac and that you also need to create a COM5 port, which I did.

CompeGPS claimed to connect on COM5, but I couldn't get it to display coordinates and it didn't seem to work. Next I tried using my Montana 600 over USB with both Garmin and NMEA but I couldn't connect to that either. That was as much time as I felt like wasting for now, but this looks like a nice package if I could get it to work.

Maybe I will try the Windows version, although not very anxious to mess around with the HP Slate 500 anymore. Will be interested to hear if anyone else gets this working. EDIT I see they have a user forum here.

Haven't taken the time to really check it out yet though. Thanks, but I tried all the ports the software could find and also auto scanning. If you try the Windows version of CompeGPS, let me know if it works with your GLO. I probably won't spend much more time on this, it was just a novelty I wanted to play with since there is so little GPS/Navigation software that runs on the Mac. My 11' MacBook Air would be a nice little computer to use in the car.

I could just run Windows on it if I really wanted to do that. But I lost interest in using a laptop in a vehicle about 5 years ago. I think the main appeal of this package would be for Mac users, but they were probably scared away from here a long time ago. This software can open a wide variety of GIS file formats and that might be of interest to anyone who wants to download some of the cool free stuff available online, such as shapefiles, MrSID files, etc.

I recently got a new Windows machine and use GlobalMapper for this kind of thing, it's a really powerful GIS package. So CompeGPS doesn't really do anything for me, but there aren't many options out there for anyone who wants to use these kinds of files on the Mac. Anyway, I thought it was worth starting a thread just for the novelty value of discussing a multi-platform software package. Cool - maybe I will dig out my old uBlox (Streets & Trips) USB receiver and try.

Not sure what drivers might be needed on the Mac though, that could be a problem. FWIW, I found this on a Russian site, here's a link to a Google Translation. Note the last screenshot shows CompeGPS working with the GLO on a Mac, so apparently it's possible but I was doing something wrong. BTW, the other screenshot in that article also looks interesting - GPSNavX, which is another Mac program, although apparently intended for marine use. Using the suggestion in that (rather cryptic) Russian article, I was able to create a COM5 GLO serial device in addition to the default COM7 port.

The Mac is actually a BSD unix machine under the hood, so I used the 'cat' shell command to read data directly from COM5. Voila, I'm getting an NMEA data stream! Now I just need to figure out how to get CompeGPS to see it. % cat.

Laptop Gps For Mac Pro

The GPS software listed here works on Microsoft Windows based computers. Use it for your laptop, netbook, notebook, tablet PC, Ultra Mobile PC (UMPC), CarPC, etc. You are welcome to write your review, or add your comments to an existing review. Please, share your thoughts in the forums here at Laptop GPS World. ALK CoPilot / TravRoute CoPilot - Three versions available: USA/Canada, Europe, and Australia New!

Gps Download For Laptop

- review by Malaki86 followed by feedback from other users New! - user discussion of what's new - user discussion of the new version - this is now a one year old version. DeLorme Streets Atlas - The program has street-level coverage of USA and Canada New! - Discussion of SA2012 - SA2011 discussion - Forum members talk about version 2011 - user discussion of the new version - SA2008 user feedback.

Destinator - Destinator is software used in PNDs and PPCs. There is no stand-alone PC version sold, but it may be purchased along with Centrafuse 'front-end', which does run on Windows-based computers. Three versions are available: USA/Canada, Europe, and Australia.

Additional map data can be purchased for the following countries: Mexico, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, Turkey, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait, Quatar, UAE by malaki68. Garmin Mobile PC - USA/Canada, Europe, (additional maps.may be added for many parts of the world ) - this review is followed by several pages of user feedback. Garmin nRoute - maps can be purchased for many parts of the world by Sam Penrod at iNav iGuidance - Seamless street-level map of USA/Canada (including Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and US Virgin Islands ) New! - review & discussion - review & discussion @ Laptop GPS World - this is the first announcement of the upcoming new version of iGuidance 2009 by iNav - Paul Biba of looked at iGuidance 4 at his new Mac laptop at Laptop GPS World. MapAsia MapKing - maps available for several countries of Asia (Be the 1st to write, or let us know of a review on another site). Shipping instruction request. Mapfactor PC Navigator / Directions PC Navigator - Three versions: Europe, Europe-Truck, and USA/Canada New!

By Chippy at UMPC Portal at Laptop GPS World at Laptop GPS World by Chippy at UMPC Portal. Microsoft AutoRoute - Europe New! - review & discussion @ Laptop GPS World - review & discussion @ Laptop GPS World. Microsoft Streets and Trips - Canada, USA (including Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and US Virgin Island ), and Mexico New! - review & discussion @ Laptop GPS World - review & discussion @ Laptop GPS World - review & discussion @ Laptop GPS World - review & discussion @ Laptop GPS World by LugNut at RV.NET by Craig Ellison at PC Magazine at Laptop GPS World. Microsoft MapPoint - There are two separate versions: one contains map of North America (same coverage as Streets & Trips), and the other is for Europe.

Laptop Gps For Macbook

At Laptop GPS World at Laptop GPS World at Laptop GPS World at Laptop GPS World. Navigon NavigatoR - Europe (the USA/Canada version doesn't seem to be sold anywhere) by JKK at JKKMobile. Odyssey Navigator - Australia ( USA/Canada and other countries are becoming available) - the forum is open, now just to take the time to write a review. Soon, promise. Sygic Driver - USA/Canada, Europe, Australia, Brazil, Hong Kong, Thailand - the USA/Canada PC version was supposed to be released in January 2008. However, it is still not available for purchase by end users. However, the European version is quite popular.