Ocean Modeling Discussion View Topic

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Life on Earth depends heavily on its magnificent and complex ocean ecosystems. But the seas are suffering from overfishing, loss of key habitat—such as coral reefs—and the depletion of important species from sharks to small fish that are the basis for the entire food web.

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Ocean Modeling Discussion View Topics

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Pew’s ocean work includes efforts to create large marine reserves; end illegal fishing; protect key species such as penguins, sharks, tuna and forage fish; and establish policies that protect, maintain, and restore the health of marine ecosystems. Podcast June 23, 2017 Three-quarters of our planet is covered with water—and it’s this water that sustains life. But our liquid planet, home to half of the world’s known creatures and plants, is facing multiple threats, such as overfishing and commercial development. That’s why leading scientists say that 30 percent of our oceans should be protected. Host Dan LeDuc explores why this 30 percent data point is important with two people committed to safeguarding the oceans: native Hawaiian Sol Kaho’ohalahala, whose culture and livelihood depend on sustainable seas; and Matt Rand, who directs the Pew Bertarelli Ocean Legacy Project and has been working with people like Kaho’ohalahala since 2006 to keep our oceans healthy.

Hurricaneman wrote:The models show another system in the Subtropical Atlantic and may need to be watched as the Euro seems to send that feature close to the Bahamas while the GFS sends it to Bermuda so let’s hope this system isn’t being underestimated as systems like this tend to be and let’s hope this doesn’t end up an east coast threat Looks like this may pan out. This disturbance/weak vorticity is under some westerly shear and high pressure environment, very little if any development out this, IMO.

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