Phocus 2.7.4 Released For Mac

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Phocus 3.3 Mac & PC available at link below. New features in 3.3 Extended GPU usage for exports and 100% view While previously releases has used GPU acceleration for processing directly related to the viewer, this release adds the option to use it for exports and also to speed up the viewer at 100% and above. The improvements made in this release have most effect on higher ISO images where you may see export times being reduced by a factor of more than 3, but even for low ISO images you should see clear improvements. This feature requires a metal compatible GPU and you will need to run macOS 10.12 or later.

Actual results will of course depend on the hardware - if you are using an older Mac containing only an integrated GPU you may see only a small improvement or it might actually be slower than using the CPU only. For those (hopefully rare) cases we have added an Extended GPU Usage checkbox in Preferences, thereby making it possible to turn off the feature. Other viewer speed improvements Apart from the extended GPU usage which also benefits viewer performance at 100% or more, there’s also other changes made that helps preparing the 100% image even before you zoom. A few other enhancements will also improve export speed regardless of whether extended GPU usage is active. BronColor flash control A new tool named Bron Control has been added, it will not appear by default but can be added manually from the list of tools.

The Mac will need to be on the same Wi-Fi network as the flash system. Once a system has been detected the list of groups will be filled out. Basically you can then select either a group in the left hand list or a single lamp in the right hand list and change intensity and modeling light on/off for the selected lamp(s). The intensity of a selected lamp or group can also be changed using left and right cursor keys. Holding down shift while changing intensity will change in 1.0 steps. If you are using enterprise mode - meaning that the lamps are connected to an existing Wi-Fi network - Phocus will ignore the studio setting on each lamp, meaning that all lamps will be shown regardless of studio number.

Phocus 2.7.4 Released For Machines

Do note that the functionality integrated in Phocus is not meant to totally replace the standard BronControl software - you will still need this for things like defining enterprise configurations and handling more advanced features. Various improvements - adds support for the XCD 120 lens - adds ‘x’ as a short cut to the keystone all guides tool button - also includes various minor fixes.